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Tall Zira'a > Campaigns > Preparation '01



The preparatory campaign in summer 2001

In September and October 2001, the BAI engaged in intensive fieldwork on Tall Zira‛a. The campaign had four objectives:

a complete survey of Tall Zira‛a and its immediate surroundings (in which different methodological approaches were to be compared),

an exploration of the lower Wadi el-‛Arab,

the production of a CAD map of the tall

a tomographic exploration of the archaeological and geological features of the tall.

The results have been published in different articles in ADAJ, Das Altertum, ADPV (anthology on Gadara ed. by Prof. Dr. A. Hoffmann), O&O, Welt der Bibel inter alia. For a list of publications on Tall Zira‛a, see our homepage.

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