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Final Publication - Volume 3

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Volume 3, Late Bronze Age

Katja Soennecken


Lists, Abbreviations
Preface, Acknowledgements, Introduction

Introduction by Katja Soennecken/Dieter Vieweger


1.1. The Transition from Middle to Late Bronze Age in the Southern Levant by D. Vieweger/K. Soennecken
1.1.1. The Middle Bronze Age (1630–1550 BC) – the Epoch of the Hyksos
1.1.2. Late Bronze Age IA – the Egyptian Takeover of the Southern Levant (1550–1457 BC)
1.1.3. Late Bronze Age IB – the Egyptian Display of Power in the Southern Levant (1457–1400 BC)
1.1.4. Development of Different Features
1.2. The Transition from Middle to Late Bronze Age on Tall Zirā‘a by K. Soennecken
1.2.1. The Transition from Middle to Late Bronze Age (Stratum 16) by K. Soennecken
1.2.2. Stratum 15: The Landslide and the Reconstruction by K. Soennecken/D. Vieweger
1.3. Catalogue of Finds – Middle to Late Bronze Age (Strata 16–15)
1.3.1. Catalogue of Metal Finds (Strata 16–15) by K. Soennecken
1.3.2. Catalogue of Faience, Glass and Glazed Pottery Finds by K. Soennecken
1.3.3. Catalogue of Stone Finds by H.-M. Jakubik/B. Schröder/K. Soennecken
1.3.4. Catalogue of Bone Finds by K. Soennecken
1.3.5. Catalogue of Ceramic Finds by A. Schwermer
1.4. Conclusion by K. Soennecken
1.4.1. Summary Stratum 16
1.4.2. Summary Stratum 15
1.5. Bibliography


2.1. The Late Bronze Age in the Southern Levant by D. Vieweger/K. Soennecken
2.1.1. The Late Bronze Age IIA – the Amarna Period (1400–1295 BC)
2.1.2. The Late Bronze Age IIB – the Time of the Ramessides (1295–1200/1150 BC)
2.1.3. The Urban Society in the Late Bronze Age
2.2. The Late Bronze Age on Tall Zirā‘a by K. Soennecken
2.2.1. Stratum 14 d
2.2.2. Stratum 14 c
2.2.3. Stratum 14 b
2.2.4. Stratum 14 a
2.3. Catalogue of Finds – Late Bronze Age (Stratum 14)
2.3.1. Catalogue of Metal Finds by K. Soennecken
2.3.2. Catalogue of Faience, Glass and Glazed Pottery Finds by K. Soennecken
2.3.3. Catalogue of Stone Finds by H.-M. Jakubik/B. Schröder/K. Soennecken
2.3.4. Catalogue of Bone Finds by K. Soennecken
2.3.5. Catalogue of Cylinder Seals by K. Soennecken/J. Häser
2.3.6. Mycenaean-type Pottery from Tall Zirā‘a by R. Jung with a contribution by H. Mommsen
2.3.7. Cypriote Imports on Tall Zirā‘a – White Slip II Ware by L. Goldammer
2.3.8. Catalogue of Ceramic Finds by A. Schwermer
2.3.9. Typology of Cooking Pots from the Late Bronze Age by A. Schwermer
2.3.10. Baking Trays by A. Schwermer
2.4. Conclusion by K. Soennecken
2.5. Bibliography


3.1. The Butchered Faunal Remains and Associated Butchering Patterns from the Early and Middle Bronze Age of Tall Zirā‘a by J. A. Beller/H. J. Greenfield/J. S. Gaastra
3.1.1. Introduction
3.1.2. Methods
3.1.3. Sample Size
3.1.4. Taphonomy of the Collective EB–MB Assemblage
3.1.5. Butchering Patterns (Strata 23 - 16)
3.1.6. Discussion: Butchering Patterns at Tall Zirāʻa
3.1.7. Conclusion
3.1.8. Appendix
3.2. Changes in Butchering Technology and Efficiency Patterns between the Early and Middle Bronze Ages from Tall Zirā‘a by H. J. Greenfield/J. A. Beller/J. S. Gaastra
3.2.1. Introduction
3.2.2. Method of Analysis
3.2.3. Analysis
3.2.4. Conclusions
3.3. A Breed Apart: Chronological Comparison of Sheep and Goat Populations at Tall Zirā‘a via 3D Geometric Morphometrics through the Bronze and Iron Ages by J. S. Gaastra/J. A. Beller/H. J. Greenfield
3.3.1. Introduction
3.3.2. Methods
3.3.3. Results
3.3.4. Conclusion: Tall Zira’a Through Time
3.4. Bibliography


As book available at Gütersloher Verlagshaus

ISBN: 978-3-579-08292-9

€ 150,00 [D] || € 154,30 [A] || CHF 193,00 (empf. VK-Preis)

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